October 2, 2023
Creativity in the age of AI: Synergy or Clash?

Creativity is the crown jewel that captures the audience's hearts and minds in the ever-evolving landscape of content in marketing. But in this age of artificial intelligence (AI), one question looms: Does AI complement or contradict creativity? And more importantly, do you still need a digital marketing agency in Dubai or is it time to leverage the power of AI and onboard an expert prompter? What’s the role of an advertising agency in Dubai when you can develop an all-in-one specialist in-house?

Starting off strong with all the things that are sugar, spice, and everything’s that’s nice about AI by your side: 

AI has revolutionized content creation for every creative agency by automating various tasks traditionally performed by humans since the beginning of time. 

  • Now, we have all seen, experienced, and been a part of when ChatGPT launched and redefined the kind of space the internet is, and its capabilities. Content generation is much faster with AI than it has been with humans, which can be a significant advantage in meeting tight deadlines. In a recent case study of Nutella, AI proved to be a massive hit when they successfully designed 7 million unique packages using AI, - in fact, they sold out all 7 million in the same month.
  • Plus, AI is delightfully cost-effective (yet), and can reduce labor costs associated with content creation, making it a lot more affordable for young businesses.
  • Working its magic at lightening speed, AI has the power to analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends and consumer preferences, enabling businesses to create more targeted content i.e., personalized content on demand!

So, what’s wrong with leveraging AI to get content on demand?

  • Let’s begin with the obvious – while AI can generate content, it does not have emotional intelligence of human-led experiences yet. AI is still at a phase where it needs more creativity and emotional depth that humans can infuse into their work.
  • Next, it gives you results based on prompts which means, you’re likely to get the same results as a million others who are prompting it as you are making your content on demand unauthentic. In fact, many have said that AI-generated content has the tendency to sound more robotic and devoid of genuine human experiences and emotions.
  • Finally, one of the biggest concerns with AI-generated content is that there’s almost zero to none quality checks! While AI-generated content may only sometimes meet the required standards, it hardly is a match to the brand lens that creative agencies provide.

On the other hand, a human-to-human approach, where creative agencies craft tailored content around your brand, also has its own set of advantages:

  • The human flair that agencies bring on the table are unique, authentic, in line with what’s current – making it more engaging and relatable to your specific audience.
  • Localized nuances and cultural expertise is something that cannot be felt, known, or experienced by AI. A real human is in essence able to craft content that strikes a sentiment, and therefore is far more authentic than any prompted messaging, idea, or campaign that is derived by artificial intelligence. Content created by humans is simply far more authentic, resonating to genuine emotions and experiences.
  • With an army of dedicated account managers, art directors, creative experts, strategists, copywriters, campaign planners, social wizards and the works as layers for your brand, creative agencies ensure that the quality and consistency of content is at par and in line with your brand’s reputation. 

While AI is beyond capable of serving as a brilliant starting point, a marketeer’s assistant, and get a few side segments done – it alone, isn’t capable of powering emotionally intelligent and unique brand pieces –


The AI wave and an ocean of content on demand

The biggest concern with AI-generated content is the temptation to prioritize quantity over quality. While leveraging this powerful new way of life, it’s essential for businesses to ensure the relevance and consequences of generating mass content. 

A quick fix or simple messages – AI is your best friend but if overdone, this can dilute your brand’s message, its reputation, the way your audiences perceive it, and in general, harm the overall strategic growth of the brand. It’s key for businesses to strike a balance between quantity and quality, leveraging AI for efficiency while maintaining the creativity and authenticity of their content.

While AI is here to stay – it’s still led, navigated, and manoeuvred by the creatives

It’s no surprise that most brands, marketeers, agencies, creators, and many others within the industry have no reservations in admitting that they use AI to rev up their productivity. A survey by Acast revealed that 85% of respondents have no issues if podcasters use AI to create content. 

In fact, every creative in the realm of marketing can push their efficiency through the roof by embracing this symbiotic relationship. However, heavily editing the content, ensuring strict quality control, and adding personal experiences for their audiences to relate should be the core of every piece they craft using AI. Of course, this should be then sprinkled with human creativity, strategic planning, flexibility, brand identity, and cultural sensitivity to flourish in the era of now.

After all, AI takes its cues from human innovation, and while it may seem like it’s here to take over, it hasn’t yet advanced its knowledge, features, and capabilities to truly master the art of marketing – for which creative agencies remain to be your best friends, guides, and shot at dominating the landscape!

If you’re looking for a creative marketing agency that is here to find you a solution – whatever your objective may be, get in touch with the experts at tarqeeeb. Together, let’s begin building your tarqeeeb, today.

About tarqeeeb

tarqeeeb proudly seeds from the innate desire to arrive at a solution – whatever your objective may be. It is a creative marketing agency homegrown in the UAE that is here to power brands, businesses, and marketing agencies with Offline Design Solutions and Online Content Solutions. Home to a collective of the most creative minds in the region, design specialists, UI/UX artists, content geniuses, and project management guides, tarqeeeb is co-founded by Naren & KC, both of whom flaunt over a decade-plus of expertise in partnering with globally renowned brands within the MENA landscape and across international lands. 

Getting into the frequently asked Qs

Is AI art better than human art?
AI art is different, not necessarily better, as it often reflects algorithms and data, while human art is driven by emotion and perspective. Now which one is better is a question to the audience – after all beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Can AI be more creative than humans?
Well, AI can generate creative content, but to make it truly epic, content often requires the finesse, experiences, sentiments and more depth of human creativity.

Will AI replace creative work?
Well – answer this (and a nod or shake will do). Can AI shake hands, share smiles, and understand the pulse of this vibrant city? A marketing agency brings the human touch that goes beyond pixels – creating campaigns that resonate with real people, and fostering connections that leave a lasting impression – so no, AI may automate some aspects of creative work but cannot replace the unique human perspective and intuition in creative processes.

Can AI art replace human artists?
AI-generated art can coexist with human artists but cannot replace the depth of personal expression and cultural context in human art.

Have a question that requires assistance beyond the generic FAQs?

Well, we’ve got actual human intelligence and we aren’t shy to flaunt it. Get in touch with naren@tarqeeeb.com and kc@tarqeeeb.com!