September 5, 2023
Fueling successful digital campaigns across your customer touchpoints

In the swiftly racing realm of digital marketing, creating campaigns that truly resonate with your audience isn't just about applying tried and tested tactics, or attempted viral gimmicks but instead, it's about building, shaping, and fostering genuine connections. And in the heart of Dubai's bustling souks and skyscrapers, finding the right support from homegrown experts, including advertising agencies near you or marketing agencies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, can make all the difference. But what is it that they (or we) can we do that you cannot by yourself? Curious? Well, let's dive right into the heart of crafting effective campaigns that don't just scream or shout, but genuinely engage, entertain, and retain audiences across all your touchpoints.

Fun fact:// Companies experience 27% higher conversions with just email marketing. Read that again.

Think about it – when your inbox rings in with a personalized email with discounts on items that you were interested in or recommendations of similar products based on your shopping history or – maybe your phone buzzes with an SMS– it's like getting a friendly wave (and an effective reminder) from a brand. 

Personalized content screams silently and tells your customer, "Hey, we know you and get you!" 

In fact, the experts at Campaign Monitor, have actually found out that these tailored email campaigns are the reason that companies that applied these religiously saw a 27% higher conversion rate and a staggering 760% increase in revenue. Emails and SMS are here, and very much alive! Not only are they the most direct way of communicating to your audiences but they are the ones that help build your community further.

Did we mention, email marketing acquires 40X more customers than Facebook or Instagram does. Oh yes, really.

Fun fact:// 91% of customers check their emails on their smartphones, once a day which is why leveraging personalised app and web push notifications is essential to boost consideration

We've all experienced the power of notifications – from Amazon’s brilliant cart abandonment notifications to SHEIN’s adorable, “come back, we miss you,” and how can we not mention the guru of them all – Zomato with their timely app notifs from pre-meal times, to seasonal – they’ve been dominating this space. Apps and those friendly push notes are like a tap on the shoulder saying, "Hey, we've got something you might like." But remember, just like a real tap, overdoing it can lead to annoyed glances or simply muting them off, once and for all. Remember, genius is knowing when to stop. Personalized push messages can skyrocket app engagement by 88% and that's the kind of tap everyone appreciates.

Fun fact:// Content marketing costs 62% lesser than traditional marketing and generates 3X as many leads – it’s simple math. Establish and own your brand’s social media presence like a pro.

Set in the virtual town square of the internet, social media with its growing platforms and oceans of content with varying types of each - brands are squeezing for the most precious commodity of all – which is their attention. 

The thing is, striking up a genuine conversation is what matters here. You know, the kind that makes a viewer actually stop-scrolling and engage because of its authenticity. The most recent one being the McDonald’s ‘As Featured In’ campaign which spoke to audiences globally with pieces of content that they’ve all seen, witnessed, and resonated with. Having said this, it is important to tread carefully. Sprout Social shares the secret that 57.5% of folks actually unfollow brands that post irrelevant i.e., overbranded stuff that’s just forced. Remember, you and your audience turn to socials to be entertained, laugh, learn, or be inspired. Here, a warm, genuine vibe is what keeps the conversation going.

Fun fact:// It takes exactly 11 reviews for an average buyer to confirm the intent to purchase. But then again, we also have the loophole of ads.

Ads – the digital billboards of our time. They're your brand's way of waving at potential customers, driving awareness, fueling visibility, inspiring consideration and eventually resulting to conversions. But there's a fine line between a friendly wave and an overenthusiastic dance. Studies prove that 68% people find online ads "annoying or distracting". The trick? Be helpful, not intrusive. Delivering ads that actually make lives easier and offer solutions? Now, there’s your hook and starting point.

Understand that quality trumps quantity, always.

Here's the scoop – in simple words, driving effective digital campaigns is like smiling to all the right people, with the hope that the ones that count are smiling right back. These are fuelled by genuine connections and authentic solutions that are here to address what people need. But no one likes to get spam, right? Personalized emails have proven to bring in 18 times more revenue compared to generic ones along with being at the right place, at the right time, with the most precise strategy within the sales funnel.

As we draw to an end to touching in on the surface-level semantics of driving effective digital marketing campaigns, crafting effective campaigns isn't just an art; but it’s achieved with expertise, science and emotional intelligence. It's about understanding that beneath the clicks and swipes, there are real people seeking authentic connections. Collaborating with the local experts – be it advertising agencies nearby or marketing gurus in Dubai and Abu Dhabi – ensures your campaigns are more than just a splash; they're a genuine ripple that resonates and drive conversions.

If you’re looking for a creative marketing agency that is here to find you a solution – whatever your objective may be, get in touch with the experts at tarqeeeb. Together, let’s begin building your tarqeeeb, today.

About tarqeeeb

tarqeeeb proudly seeds from the innate desire to arrive at a solution – whatever your objective may be. It is a creative marketing agency homegrown in the UAE that is here to power brands, businesses, and marketing agencies with Offline Design Solutions and Online Content Solutions. Home to a collective of the most creative minds in the region, design specialists, UI/UX artists, content geniuses, and project management guides, tarqeeeb is co-founded by Naren & KC, both of whom flaunt over a decade-plus of expertise in partnering with globally renowned brands within the MENA landscape and across international lands. 

Getting into the frequently asked Qs

What makes digital campaigns effective?

Effective digital campaigns resonate by offering value, relevancy, and genuine engagement with the audience.

How can local advertising agencies help enhance digital campaigns?

Local advertising agencies understand the regional market dynamics and audience preferences, tailoring campaigns for maximum impact.

Why is personalized content crucial in email and SMS campaigns?

Personalized content in email and SMS campaigns are more relevant, specific and delivers the recipients higher value, resulting in increased open rates and engagement.

What's the difference between effective awareness and spamming?

Effective awareness campaigns resonate with users by delivering relevant and valuable content, while spamming overwhelms them with a barrage of irrelevant messages.

How do digital ads strike the right balance between engagement and intrusion?

Digital ads succeed when they offer helpful solutions and information, rather than overwhelming users with intrusive content.

Why is crafting a warm and genuine tone essential in digital campaigns?

A warm and genuine tone in digital campaigns fosters authentic connections, making the audience feel valued and understood.

Have a question that requires assistance beyond the generic FAQs?

Well, we’ve got actual human intelligence and we aren’t shy to flaunt it. Get in touch with and!