September 5, 2023
Is the future of marketing entirely AI-led or is it just a phase?

It’s 2023 and the Dubai business landscape pulses with electrifying evolution, shifting quicker than it ever has. Amid this lightning-paced transformation, whether you’re a young start-up, an ambitious small business, or a resilient medium-sized entity - hitting precise customer touchpoints is now more imperative than ever. Brand custodians and business owners are left with a myriad of tools, yet the challenge lies in picking the right course to decipher what kind of marketing really sells? Could it be amping up the social media game, incorporating more digital challenges, or boosting that SEO ranking but will it remain relevant in the years to come, and what’s the long-term and short-term strategy? And if this wasn’t enough – AI has emerged with an ambition to take over.

So, the question boils down to – do you still need a digital marketing agency in Dubai or is it time to leverage the power of AI and onboard an expert prompter? What’s the role of an advertising agency in Dubai when you can develop an all-in-one specialist in-house?

Firstly, emotional intelligence cannot be prompted – yet.
While powerful AI engines like ChatGPT can analyze data quicker, faster and in volumes that are designed to leave you awestruck – they haven’t developed an understanding of the subtle cultural cues, local nuances and elements that are critical to shaping consumer preferences or fuelling unique narratives that resonate with emotions. The amount of human knowledge that marketers possess differs from that of these AI engines, giving your brand the authenticity it needs to stand out. While they are capable of serving as a brilliant starting point, a marketeer’s assistant, and get a few side segments done – AI alone, isn’t capable of powering emotionally intelligent and unique brand pieces yet.

What’s stronger – emotive human-led marketing or mass-generated AI content?
By now, we’ve all witnessed that AI could crunch numbers and generate words on demand, but can it evoke emotions like an unstoppable storyteller? Dubai is a city that lives and breathes emotions. A marketing agency can craft narratives that make your audience feel something real – from the thrill of towering skyscrapers to the sync of the Dubai Fountains, the joy of pairing Laban with Chips of Oman, the warmth of a desert breeze to its ombre winter sunsets and so much more. Now, this sentiment, nostalgia, and a rollercoaster of emotions is an algorithm that AI can't quite replicate.

And what about keeping up with the trends that are more volatile than the Kardashians?
AI might be quick on the draw, but can it navigate the twists and turns of Dubai's ever-changing digital landscape? A marketing agency isn't just another rider that simply generates. It's your savvy navigator that steers your brand through market shifts, emerging trends, and unexpected sandstorms with style. From trending reels, cultural shifts, local nuances, and social hypes – onboarding creatives with actual human intelligence pays off big, and most importantly – on time, within your timelines!

Think about what pays off more – fostering real connections or ‘I want you to act like a…’?
In Dubai, it's all about who you know (and who you wish you did)! Can your AI attend networking events, clink glasses with influencers, and chat with industry insiders? Can it foster connections that remember you and your brand? A marketing agency in Dubai is your VIP pass to a treasure chest of local connections. These real-life relationships are the key to propelling your brand beyond the digital realm, giving you the chance to glitter, sparkle, and truly shine.

Lastly, remember, intelligence without creativity is…simply unclever.
While AI can churn out content like a factory, creativity isn't a commodity that’s easily found here. A marketing agency isn't just a content generator; it's the fireworks that turn heads, the ideas that go viral, and the campaigns that leave a trail of glittering success in their wake. So, at the end of it – what would you rather invest in? Mass-generated quantities, or qualitative pieces that disrupt? It’s your choice.

Let’s face facts and state the obvious – AI has arrived, is here to stay, and most likely revolutionize the face of marketing (and several other) industries, but in all its glory, it hasn’t yet advanced its knowledge, features, and capabilities to truly master the art of marketing – for which marketing agencies in Dubai remain to be your best friends, guides, and shot at dominating the landscape. It is important to recognize that despite the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence, businesses that wish to thrive need the expertise of human creativity, strategic planning, flexibility, brand identity, and cultural sensitivity to flourish in the era of now.

If you’re looking for a creative marketing agency that is here to find you a solution – whatever your objective may be, get in touch with the experts at tarqeeeb. Together, let’s begin building your tarqeeeb, today.

About tarqeeeb

tarqeeeb proudly seeds from the innate desire to arrive at a solution – whatever your objective may be. It is a creative marketing agency homegrown in the UAE that is here to power brands, businesses, and marketing agencies with Offline Design Solutions and Online Content Solutions. Home to a collective of the most creative minds in the region, design specialists, UI/UX artists, content geniuses, and project management guides, tarqeeeb is co-founded by Naren & KC, both of whom flaunt over a decade-plus of expertise in partnering with globally renowned brands within the MENA landscape and across international lands. 

Getting into the frequently asked Qs

Is AI completely replacing human marketers?

Well – answer this (and a nod or shake will do). Can AI shake hands, share smiles, and understand the pulse of this vibrant city? A marketing agency brings the human touch that goes beyond pixels – creating campaigns that resonate with real people, and fostering connections that leave a lasting impression – so no, AI is not replacing human marketers but merely assisting them at best.

What’s the price gap between AI and marketing agencies in Dubai? 

While AI can be cost-effective and sometimes even free, they aren’t anywhere close to the personalized results that human-led strategies offer.

How many brands are using AI for their marketing currently?

In 2023, the size of the global AI market will equal $500 billion. About 28% of individuals say they completely trust AI, while 42% say they accept it in general. A staggering 83% of businesses prioritize adopting AI in their strategy. In only five years, the number of companies using artificial intelligence increased by 300% but they all still are home to in-house brand specialists and partner with marketing agencies.

What is the main difference between AI solutions and hiring a marketing agency?

AI solutions rely on data-driven algorithms to automate and optimize marketing tasks, while a marketing agency offers human creativity, cultural understanding, and personalized strategies.

Can AI solutions adapt to changing market conditions as effectively as a marketing agency?

AI can adapt based on data, but a marketing agency excels in rapidly pivoting strategies to accommodate evolving trends, ensuring agility in dynamic market environments.

Have a question that requires assistance beyond the generic FAQs?

Well, we’ve got actual human intelligence and we aren’t shy to flaunt it. Get in touch with and!