September 27, 2023
Measuring metrics on outdoor ads and retail windows.

While the digital ecosystem is on the rise, let’s state the obvious – none of the most compelling ecomm experiences can pull us into a sensory-filled experience as the dazzling Citywalk in Downtown Dubai would, or a stroll down the bustling Oxford Street in London, or the capital of all, Times Square in New York, isn’t it?

As a top-tier digital marketing agency in Dubai, with an unwavering love for design, content, and brands, we've dipped our toes and dived right into the throbbing pulse of the city's outdoor ads and retail display ecosystem. 

Dubai, a city that continually ambitiously looks forward, leading the way to what’s next, offers consumers a spell-binding cityscape adorned with big, bold billboards, stunning visual merchandising, and dazzling larger-than-life installations. It’s not an invite to simply shop – it’s your passage to step into an experience, unlike any before. 

But with these handsome marketing investments being done – how do brands measure the success? Are these worth it?

One word. 


These classic channels are alive and very relevant for a reason – provided that they are leveraged right. Great things don’t just happen overnight – they’re a consequence of critical thinking, strategy, creative forces, and best practices.

Step 1: Begin by identifying what’s relevant to your target audience.

An advertising agency in Dubai begins by identifying the USPs of an advertisement or retail window display. The good ones are usually the ones with all the right questions that include – Where is it placed? Who is it talking to? What’s the objective? When will it go live? 

The key here is less is always more – and all you have is less than 2 seconds to make an impact, influence, and an impression.

The bag of ingredients that set your ad apart include strategic moves, emotional intelligence, and creativity on the loose – whether it's a seasonal push, experiential pull, an awareness drive or heaviliy sales-driven. 

Step 2: Mastering the art of capturing their attention

Think about it – if a billboard makes you smile or giggle with clever wordplay or a retail display that announces "winter sale" in vibrant, seasonal colors with discounts you simply can’t say no to – are you likely to be curious or just simply pass by?

The more unique and eye-catching they are, the higher your chances of leaving a lasting impression. 

Step 3: And then keeping their attention…

A success-defining element in measuring your retail display or outdoor ad’s success is how much it captures the audience's attention. 

  • Does it stop people and make them stare?
  • Does it make them enter the store?
  • Does it make heads turn?
  • Is it creating a stir on socials?
  • Is your sales team suddenly experiencing a rise?
  • Or a sudden influx of traffic on your website?

Notice the reactions in each touchpoint. Recording such interactions contributes massively to measuring the success of an advertisement. Advertisers in the MENA region are expected to exceed 1.5 billion in outdoor advertising by 2024 to drive larger volumes of awareness, visibility and, conversions.

Step 4: Measuring the right metrics to understand your ad’s success

The ultimate measure of success for advertising lies within conversion metrics. These are the ultimate litmus test for any advertising wizard. Your biggest indicators are:

  • Increase in sales
  • Growth of brand loyalty
  • Enhanced customer engagement. 

If your ad or retail display can work these spells, then it's on a sure-shot path to victory.

Moreover, combining outdoor with mobile-based/online ads has proven to help brands to boost their conversions by a staggering 14%.

Step 5: Assessing brand sentiment through social touchpoints:

Reputation counts and impacts. We all remember successful brands that have been instantly boycotted based on offending the masses and their sentiments. 

Now, to gain an insight on what’s your brand’s health, its reputation and how people perceive it to be – it’s critical to gauge public sentiment towards your brands actions i.e. campaigns, including ads. Instead of being preachy – listen – listen to what the public is saying, what is your audience feeling, and what are they speaking about your activations. Positive or negative, these sentiments are key indicators of how well your ad resonated with the masses.

Building your roadmap to advertising victory:

As a top-tier digital marketing agency in Dubai, we pride in building tailored design and content brand-defining solutions. But that’s not where we stop – brand-defining accelerate to memorable stories that engage, entertain, inspire, and seed loyalty. 

Finally, while measuring the success of outdoor ads and retail display windows might be challenging, it’s important to consider that these are meticulously crafted curations that comprise a healthy mix of your brand’s USPs, stand-out features, generated attention, right conversion metrics, and audience sentiment. 

Among a colourful mix of marketing agencies in Dubai, we urge you to choose one that can proficiently navigate your way into what’s next by seeding loyalty and impacting culture that resonates across generations.

If you’re looking for a creative marketing agency that is here to find you a solution – whatever your objective may be, get in touch with the experts at tarqeeeb. Together, let’s begin building your tarqeeeb, today.

About tarqeeeb

tarqeeeb proudly seeds from the innate desire to arrive at a solution – whatever your objective may be. It is a creative marketing agency homegrown in the UAE that is here to power brands, businesses, and marketing agencies with Offline Design Solutions and Online Content Solutions. Home to a collective of the most creative minds in the region, design specialists, UI/UX artists, content geniuses, and project management guides, tarqeeeb is co-founded by Naren & KC, both of whom flaunt over a decade-plus of expertise in partnering with globally renowned brands within the MENA landscape and across international lands.